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8. November 2021

Benefits of the exchange programme

The exchange programme has made me aware that no country is an island. We live in a global world where human beings are interdependant. There are a lot of things that we throw away as useless, where as these can be used for the benefit of the nation and the world at large through upcycling. Cross pollination of ideas is very vital for the developmentof the world. People must be made aware of the impact of any misuse of resources to the well being of the nations of the world. My students had fun whilst crafting or repairing bicycles. Addmore Chikwekwete, Deputy Head Nkululeko
8. November 2021

What I took from the exchange personally

2019 I was member of the group coming to Martin Niemoeller School. I took part in the upcycling project. We were using old material e.g. torn jeans to produce bags.
Five of us Nkululeko students cooperated with 5 from Martin Niemoeller.
I learnt:
if we are not wasteful, we are able to conserve money and use it on different purposes which improves our way of living. Being the only black whose all people´s eyes are on mustn´t be ashamed but must be proud, as we are all humans therefore are treated the same. We should not judge anyone by their skin colour. Deolyn, Nkululeko


Noch Plätze frei :) internationale Jugendbegegnung „out of the box“ zwischen Kenia und Deutschland

2020 treffen wir uns 3 Wochen in Bremen, 2021 sind wir 3 Wochen in Kenia. Die Begegnung hat das Oberthema "Klimagerechtigkeit und Klimawandel". Wir werden in Kenia und Deutschland Initiativen und Projekte besuchen, sowohl theoretisch als auch kreativ zu selbstgewählten inhaltlichen Schwerpunkten arbeiten, Filme drehen, Musik machen, Theater spielen und ganz viel Spaß haben. Das internationale Jugendbegegnungsprogramm "out of the box" ist so angelegt, dass die Teilnehmenden sehr viel mitbestimmen können. Um die Begegnung vorzubereiten treffen wir uns schon jetzt in Bremen und Nairobi.

Weitere Infos zur Begegnung