Apply now until the 17 of November 2021 for the 10th bridge-it!-One- World- Award for South-North Projects with this year´s theme
„Partnerships and Crisis“!
Once again we are looking for young people taking part in a project between Germany and countries of the global south, to collaborate on visions for the future in 2021!
As CoVid continues to threaten the global health of many people and the climate crisis is making itself increasingly noticeable everywhere, its becomes evident: in the coming years, some of these crises will peak at an alarming rate. Are you Change Agents who remain engaged despite the challenges? What do you consider as prominent crises? Have you found new ways to collaborate on your projects in recent months? Or have you developed new ideas on how to make your partnerships crisis-proof? Then be sure to apply for the annual bridge-it! award.
We are looking forward to your reports, out of which an experienced jury will select the Top 10 from all applications on December 6. The German project groups will be invited to the Change Agents Conference of spring 2022, where we will work together on your visions for the future for a few days at a beautiful educational venue with a great program. The Top 3 projects selected by the jury will win prize money worth a total of 1500€!
Senior Award 2021
By the way: You can also nominate the outstanding efforts of your project leaders for the bridge-it! Senior Award 2021 here – in order to do so, you must nominate a tandem, i.e. the project leader from the partner country and the other one from Germany. You can quickly and easily make suggestions, and the jury will then select a senior tandem as the winner in addition to the top 10 project groups..
How to: design your application
Our experienced jury awaits your applications with great excitement and anticipation. In order for you to get an idea what the jury is looking for and would consider a good application, we are giving you some practical pointers here. Some terms you will find written in italics, those are briefly explained on the second page.
An excellent application
- is written clearly and comprehensively
- describes AND reflects experiences and activities, and not the tradition of exchange between Global South and Global North; especially in the sense of Global Learning, it is important to emphasize what you have learnt together as a collective from two countries, and how you have reflected on prejudices and stereotypes,
- gives concrete examples from the everyday life of the project,
- clearly includes the perspective of both partner countries; for example, both project partners can write the application together, or the german side of the project quotes and voices the other side of the project.
The introduction (approx. 5 sentences) should contain
- with what action you are applying,
- who your partners are,
- what you want to achieve with the project in Germany and in the partner country,
- and what you have learned in and through the crisis(es).
In part A – Project: teamwork, roles, themes – what we want to know:
- What makes up your partnership; how is it structured, and how do you try or succeed in carrying out the project truly in partnership – that is, as equal as possible in design and implementation?
- What are your two or three most important experiences and insights gained through the exchange and through the crisis(es)?
- Who fulfills what tasks in the project, and how are decisions prepared and made in the project work?
In Part A the jury evaluates to what extent your project :
- has dealt constructively with crisis(es),
- is made by young people
- is designed in partnership and participatory (i.e. involving); both sides of the project are involved in planning and structuring of the teamwork
- deals with similarities and differences, but also mutual clichés and prejudices.
In Part B – Visions of the Future: Contribution to the Great Transformation – we want to know:
- What questions does your project ask about the future, what is your idea of a good future for us all?
- In which way do you campaign with your project for justice, sustainability and mindfulness overall, and beyond that, in your personal environments?
- What role does your project play in your life, how has the project changed your thinking and actions? How do you as Change Agents influence your environment?
In Part B the Jury evaluates to what extent your project:
- contributes to more (global) justice, sustainability and mindfulness in the sense of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Great Transformation,
- empowers young people to be Change Agents in their own daily lives, actions and environments.
Your application
In order to submit an application your German project partner has to first create a project profile here, and then log into our website to fill out the application form.
Global Learning
„… refers for us to the fact of learning with you in the age of globalization. We take a close look at global interrelations: What is our role and responsibility in the world society? Critically and optimistically we develop forward-looking visions of a just and peaceful world in which natural resources are preserved. This way we jointly discover possibilities to shape globalization now in a just manner.“ (EPIZ Reutlingen)
Global South/ Global North
The term Global South refers to a social, political and economic location that is being disadvantaged in the global system. The Global North, on the other hand, designates a privileged location where advantages are being benefited from. The classification is based on the distinct experiences with colonialism and exploitation, the ones being exploited while the others profiting. The classification along South and North is also meant geographically, but not solely. With the pair of terms Global North/Global South an attempt is made at identifying different positions in a global context, without using evaluative denominations such as „developed“, „developing“ or „third world“. (Glokal e.V.)
Great Transformation
Means a profound societal transformation towards a more socially and ecologically just, sustainable, mindful world. This is accompanied by many different processes that are intertwined and influence each other, e.g. energy and mobility transition, post-growth, decolonization.
Transformative learning (e.g., global learning) plays a central role in change processes. Finding new ways of being and learning together is an important lever to stimulate, catalyze and accompany social change.
Change Agents
With change agents we mean those of you who work as multipliers for a different (global) society. By translating ideas and knowledge about sustainability, justice and cohesion into projects and actions. Change agents live and breathe change and stimulate change processes. To honor and support this, bridge-it! organizes an annual conference together with participants of the bridge-it! award and other project groups involved in South-North partnerships.